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Technician Esp. In Installations of Photovoltaic Solar Energy connected to Network

Precio 325 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 120 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Técnico Especialista en Instalaciones de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica conectada a Red Técnico Esp. en Instalacións de Enerxía Solar Fotovoltaica conectada a Rede Tècnic Esp. en Instal·lacions d“Energia Solar Fotovoltaica connectada a Xarxa Técnico Esp. em Instalações de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica ligada a Rede   Technician Esp. In Installations of Photovoltaic Solar Energy connected to Network   Technicien Esp. En de les Installations d“Énergie Solaire Fotovoltaica reliée à Réseau
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Beginning by the South, little to little, in the last years have gone extending by all the regions the installations that take advantage of the solar energy, for the direct generation of electricity by means of photovoltaic modules in the known like Solar Orchards that besides gozan of advantages tarifarias very important pues the European Union has declared like aim prioritario the increase substantially the energy proviniente of these sources that do us less dependientes of the subject hydrocarbons always to fluctuations in price of the barrel of oil of the that the Union is importing nata.

In the research of the reduction of said dependency are many the paises of the Union that have established big advantages by the installation of Solar Plates for the generation of this type of energy that besides does not pollute, is inagotable and find there where consume .

However, it results a so much disappointing check that an apreciable percentage of the first installations, and even some finished so only does two or three years, are not properly designed, do not work absolutely not, or do it with very low performance.

One of the main causes of the existence of deficient installations is the escasez of professional sufficiently prepared in this new field, even in the basic levels (installers and montadores). Often, pertinent technicians of other branches are the attendants of the design and installation of systems of solar energy, although these technicians require of specialists well prepared, no because they present a big complexity in himself same, but by the escasez of previous experiences in which support.

With the this course has not pretended develop a program of high theoretical level, for people with deep previous knowledges, but more well impartir a course with which splitting of basic levels and his study do sufficient to dominate the practical area of the subject but purchasing to the same time some solid knowledges of base that allow to the professional act with security and knowledge of cause.

Treat , pues, of a technical course and fundamentally practical, with which the student will learn to:

Design with security an installation of photovoltaic Solar Energy connected to Network knowing and knowing connect each one of his components

Realize the installation of the teams and plates with total security to do it properly.

Hecerse Charge of the maintenance of the installation and guarantee the buen operation and maximum aprovechamiento of the same

Know the applicable legislation to this type of installations

Know the economic advantages of this type of installations and realize the necessary calculations of rentabilidad that allow us explain to the client the suitability of installation

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

Course directed to Technical and Upper Engineers as well as to titled of F.P. Of technical branches and of automation

Temario cubierto por el curso:


Didactic Unit 1.- Introduction
Problematic environmental and paper of the renewable energies
Types of aprovechamiento of the solar energy
History and current situation of the solar energy in Spain
Energetic and solar geometry
direct Radiation and difusa: devices of measure
Types of photovoltaic installations

Didactic Unit 2.- Cell and photovoltaic signpost
photovoltaic Effect
electrical Characteristics of the photovoltaic cell: types of cells
photovoltaic Module: types of available technologies
Characteristic electrical of the photovoltaic signpost

Didactic Unit 3.- Own components of photovoltaic installations with connection to network
Investor of connection: technical characteristics and operation
Point of stick and evacuation
Counter of energy injected and sold
Transformador of tension

Didactic Unit 4.- Additional components of the installations
Perfilería of sujeción and devices of anclaje
Cableado, drivings and connections
Box of connection to the generator
electrical Protections

Didactic Unit 5.- Solar supporters
energetic Increases obtained
Components of a solar supporter and algorithms of follow-up
Supporters of 1 axis
Supporters of 2 axes

Didactic Unit 6.- Telegestión And systems antirrobo in solar installations
Utility of the monitorización remote of installations
Levels of control and supervision
Devices constitutivos of the existent solutions
Systems antirrobo and coverage of insurances

Didactic Unit 7.- Additional applications and future lines of I+D photovoltaic
current additional Applications of the photovoltaic energy
Future lines of I+D in photovoltaic technology

Didactic Unit 8.- Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest
Bibliography associated to solar energy
Pages web of relative interest to solar energy
technical Magazines of the sector


Didactic Unit 1.- Introduction
Need and importance of the project: calculation and previous design
Memory descriptiva, calculations justificativos, planning temporal of the project and study of environmental impact
Flat of basic engineering and of detail

Didactic Unit 2.- Dimensioning of installations connected to network
Hypothesis of split of the photovoltaic installation of connection to network
Calculation and configuration of investors and photovoltaic modules
energetic Production, economic income and saving of broadcasts
administrative Procedure of connection to network

Didactic Unit 3.- Dimensioning of additional components
Orientation and inclination of the photovoltaic signposts
Dimensionado of the cableado and drivings
Selection of electrical protections
Calculation of efforts and dimensionado of the perfilería of anclaje
Calculation of shadows


Didactic Unit 1.- Previous tasks to the installation
The execution of work
legal Implications of the signature of projects and directions facultativas of work
Material, tools and necessary teams
Procurement of components for the installation

Didactic Unit 2.- Tasks of montaje of devices and set up
Installation of perfilería , devices of sujeción and photovoltaic signposts
Montaje of the solar supporter: civil work and anclaje
Investor of connection to network
Cableados and drivings
Put to earth of the installation
Review and set up end: delivery of the installation

Didactic Unit 3.- Tasks of maintenance of photovoltaic installations
Planteamiento general
Fundamentos on maintenance of teams and installations
Protocol of periodic maintenance of installations
Devices advanced of inspection: cameras termográficas
Failures and usual failures, risks and resolution

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Technician Esp. In Installations of Photovoltaic Solar Energy connected to Network está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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