Course of Basic Level of Prevention of Labour Risks
50 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 60 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
The Law 31/1995 of Prevention of Labour Risks forces to the companies to develop a system of management for the Prevention of Labour Risks.
In those companies of until 5 no collected workers in the ANNEX I of the Real Decree 39/1997 will be able to assume the functions of prevention the proper employer or one or several workers designated, for this is indispensable requirement that the one who assume the functions have the training of Technician of Basic Level in Prevention of Labour Risks by means of a course impartido by a Service of Prevention or a formative entity authorized like ACEDIS Training.
By another part the Law 54/2003 of Reform of the Normative Frame of the Prevention of Labour Risks, has established that the prevention of risks will have to integrate in the general system of management of the company, so much in the group of his activities and in all the levels jerárquicos of this, through the implantation and application of a plan of prevention of labour risks. This plan of prevention will have to include the organizational structure, the responsibilities, the functions, the practices, the procedures, the processes and the necessary resources to realize the action of prevention of risks in the company. Inside this preventive structure, the Reform presents a new figure, the Preventive Resources, in his article 32 bis.
The presence in the centre of work of the preventive resources, anyone that was the modalidad of preventive organization, will be necessary in the following cases:
*When the risks can see aggravated or modified in the development of the process or the activity, by the concurrencia of diverse operations that develop successive or simultaneously and that do precise the control of the correct application of the methods of work.
*When they realize activities or processes that reglamentariamente are considered like dangerous or with special risks.
*When the need of said presence was required by the Inspection of Work and Social Security, if the circumstances of the case like this it exigieran because of the conditions of work detected
The mentioned article establishes that they will have consideration of preventive resources one or several workers of the company that, without forming part of the service of proper prevention neither be workers designated, gather the knowledges, the qualification and the necessary experience in the activities or processes and have the preventive training corresponding, and minimum, to the functions of the basic level.
The fault of presence of the preventive resources when this was preceptivo or the incumplimiento of the obligations derived of his presence, will involve an economic punishment to the employer of between 1.502,54 € and 30.050,61 €.
The Course provides a titulación valid to act like worker designated or to assume the tasks of prevention like employer in all Spain so much to those companies by exigencias legal the precisan and to which suits by exigencias operative, since all need to adapt to the exigencias of the valid legislation.
The course also capacita to the student to act like Preventive Resource in all those cases in which the Law exige the existence of this figure in the company.
The students that finalicen the Course and surpass successfully the final proofs of the same will be recognized like Technicians of Basic Level in Prevention of Labour Risks, with what will be able to realize the functions of Delegate of Prevention in his company like worker designated or like proper employer in companies of until 5 workers or be the Preventive Resource required by the legislation any company that realize hire and subcontract.
Do not exist specific requirements stop can realize this course
MODULATE UNICO - Prevention of Labour Risks: Basic Level
1. Introduction to the Prevention of Labour Risks
2. Basic Normative frame in Prevention of Labour Risks
3. Risks tied to the conditions of Security
4. Risks tied to the means ambiente of work
5. The load of work, the fatiga and the labour dissatisfaction
6. Elementary systems of control of risks: protection collective and individual protection
7. Nociones Basic of performance in case of emergency
8. First helps
9. The control of the health of the workers
10. The management of the Prevention of Labour Risks in the company
11. Public organisms related with the Security and Health in the work
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El curso Course of Basic Level of Prevention of Labour Risks está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.
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