Course of Technician in Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC)
295 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 67 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
The debate on the Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC) has gone taking a privileged place in the diary of the companies and of the governments, and the debate of game has centred in what can understand for being a socially responsible organisation, and to scale global which can be a senda of performance to the achievement of a really sustainable development.
In this course bet by a reflection oriented to the "how" of the companies in concrete, more than to the always difficult concretion of the "why", and for this have encouraged us for including numerous cases of application of politics of RSC by part of a wide fan of diverse types of organisations like example that will serve of guide in the application of these politics in any company or organisation.
This course pretends to serve of introductory guide to the Spanish companies in his obstinacy to be able to arrive to apply politics of RSC so much in his operative management and in his strategic planning, taking into account all the variables of necessary implantation and the politics of obtaining of performance of said implantation.
With the superación of the course the student will learn to:
Understand the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business
Understand the advantages of the application of politics of RSC.
Apply in the organisation the criteria of RSC as the most standardised norms
Take out the main performance to the application of these politics so much from an internal perspective and external to the organisation
The process of learning base in the reading comprensiva of the different didactic units that comprise the course and systematic realisation of the test of autoevaluación, besides the course is focused in an essentially practical sense with several examples for each separated in which pose different situations and the best form of gestionarlas and treat them, along the course.
To surpass the course, the student will have to realise several exercises of evaluation posed by the tutors and surpass a final examination in the platform of and-learning.
No described
1. Sustainable development
1.1. EI Political context of the concept of sustainable development
1.2. Interpretation of the concept of sustainable development
2. A historical approximation to the concepts of corporate social responsibility and of partenariado social
3. Corporate social responsibility
3.1. Introduction
3.2. The corporate social responsibility is a valid strategy for any dimension of company
3.3. The RSC is a strategy that allows incrementar the reputation and therefore, facilitate the economic competitiveness of the companies
3.4. The socially responsible investment in Europe
3.5. The voluntary nature of the corporate social responsibility
3.6. Relation between the concepts of sustainable development and RSC
4. Social responsibility of the companies: internal dimension
4.1. Responsible practices in the social field
4.2. Respectful practices with the environment
5. Social responsibility of the companies: external dimension
5.1. The RSC in the field of the local communities: the social action of the company or filantropía corporate
5.2. The RSC and the relations of the company with his commercial partners and providers
6. Social capital and dialogue with the parts interested or multistakeholders
6.1. Social capital and parts interested
6.2. Corporate social responsibility and dialogo with the parts interested
7. Final considerations of the first part
1. Introduction
2. The series of norms of Accountability (AA1000)
2.1. Introduction
2.2. The principles
2.3. The process regulated by the norm
2.4. The norm on aseguramiento AA1000-S
2.5. The principles of the aseguramiento
2.6. The report of aseguramiento
2.7. The norms of the supplier of aseguramiento
3. The norm SA8000
3.1. Of the codlgos of behaviour to the norm SA8000
3.2. Who are the Council on Economic Priorities (CEP) and Social Accountability International?
3.3. General presentation of the content of the norm
3.4. Possible levels of implantation of the norm SA8000
3.5. The companies that have adopted the norm SA8000
3.6. The characteristics of the norm as the zone of the world where implant
3.7. Brief comparative of the norm SA8000 and the norm AA1000 of social audit
4. The proposal of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
4.1. Main characteristics and origins of the proposal
4.2. Structure of the guide
4.3. Lineas Future of development of the proposal GRI
Relation of the main URL on RSC
- Cursos y Masters » Calidad/M Ambiente » Medio Ambiente
- Cursos y Masters » Calidad/M Ambiente » Calidad
El curso Course of Technician in Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC) está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.
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