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Environmental management conforme to EMAS II

Precio 235 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 57 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Gestión Ambiental conforme Reglamento EMAS III Xestión Ambiental conforme a EMAS II Gestió Ambiental conformi a EMAS II Gestão Ambiental conforme a EMAS II   Environmental management conforme to EMAS II   Gestion Environnementale conformément à EMAS II
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The Reglamento EMAS (Echo-Management and Audit Scheme, or Reglamento Comunitario of Ecogestión and Ecoauditoría) is a voluntary rule of the European Union that recognizes to those organizations that have implanted a SGMA (System of Environmental Management) and have purchased a commitment of improvement contínua, verificado by means of independent audits. The organizations recognized with the EMAS have an environmental politics defined, do use of a system of environmental management and give account periódicamente of the operation of said system through an environmental statement verificada by independent organisms. These entities are recognized with the logotype EMAS, that guarantees the reliability of the information given by said company

Will learn to schedule, implant and gestionar a system of environmental management in the organization, conforme to the European rule EMAS, in his more updated version (EMAS II). Of the same way, will learn to develop practical solutions to the distinct problems that can present to the hour to implant this tool of optimización of the environmental management in the organization.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not specific requirements.

Directed to technicians of means ambiente, responsible of quality of companies, employers that have interest for implanting a system of environmental management in his company conforme to the Reglamento European EMAS

Temario cubierto por el curso:

ONLY MODULE - Environmental Management as EMAS II

1.1. The Reglamento EMAS

1.2. Creation of the Reglamento EMAS II

1.3. Requirements of the Reglamento EMAS
Environmental Review
Implantation of the System of Environmental Management
Environmental Statement
Verificación EMAS
Utilization of the Logotype

1.4. Environmental statement
Contained of an Environmental statement
Reason of the Environmental statement
Methods of advertising for the Environmental statement

1.5. Autoevaluación As EFQM
Differences between ISO 14.001 and Reglamento EMAS
Similitudes between ISO 14.001 and Reglamento EMAS

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Environmental management conforme to EMAS II está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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