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Management of the Labour Climate, Motivation, Resolution of Conflicts and Conciliation

Precio 300 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 68 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Gestión del Clima Laboral, Motivación, Resolución de Conflictos y Conciliación Xestión do Clima Laboral, Motivación, Resolución de Conflitos e Conciliación Gestió del Clima Laboral, Motivació, Resolució de Conflictes i Conciliació Gestão do Clima Trabalhista, Motivação, Resolução de Conflitos e Conciliación   Management of the Labour Climate, Motivation, Resolution of Conflicts and Conciliation   Gestion du Climat De travail, Motivation, Résolution de Conflits et Conciliation
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Along the Century XX the politics of Human Resources in the Company has gone purchasing relevancia in the complete management of the organization to achieve the best results and the optimización of the available resources in the company.

One of the most important parts in the Management of the Human Resources is the management of the business climate, with an effective system has to achieve a main implication of the workers with the own company and a suitable identification of the same with the organization in general, that will guarantee us that each human factor of the company give the best of himself same in the development of the business project in himself.

The achievement of an optimum labour climate, no only will reduce and will resolve the conflicts, sinó that also will facilitate the asunción of the business aims by part of the workers achieving like this a complete identification that generate good image of face to the outside and to the interior of the organization and allow to improve the labour performance of all the agents of the company increasing his motivation.

All the studies realized indicate us that the labour motivation is one of the main factors that inciden in the productivity of the trabajores, productivity in which lamentablemente our country is to the tail of the countries industrialized and whose improvement has converted in the last times in one of the main aims of any business manager.

Invest in generating a suitable culture and labour climate, motivate to the workers and establish politics of conciliation of the familiar and labour life will be in the future one of the main roads of increase of the business productivity, tools without which will not be able to be competitive in the current world and that once implemented and developed properly drive inevitably to a main business profit.

Objective Generals

The main aim of this course is to give to know the necessary concepts to focus the labour climate, the motivation and the culture of company like an everything and know like improving these appearances in the company, so that we can take advantage of them like a factor of production more, that sini doubt will increase the posibiliades of success.

Objective Especificos

And specific aims the student will learn and will handle with soltura:

The concepts and methods of creation and improvement of a culture of company between all the workers.
The different forms and methods of motivation of the worker for his implication in the aims of the company.
Learn to generate and keep a suitable labour climate conjugando all the factors studied.
Focus and resolve properly all the conflicts posed in the organization from the different necessary perspectives
Conciliate the labour and personal life of the workers in search of an improvement of the business result, seeing the opportunity in place of the inconveniente, doing of this tool a competitive advantage, in the research of talente, his conservation and the improvement of the productivity.

In definite, when finishing the course the student will be prepared to face properly the challenge to achieve the creation of a culture of company that involve to the workers in the achievement of the business aims.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not requirements of access

Directed to responsible of Human Resources and students of social sciences interested in focusing his career to the management of personnel

Temario cubierto por el curso:

1. Introduction
2. ¿What is the organisational culture?
2.1 conceptual Demarcation of the culture organizacional.
2.2 basic Elements of the culture organizacional
2.3 Eitalidad of the company.
2.4 Importance of the action of the leadership in the culture
3. Analysis.
4. Types of culture.
4.1 Culture of the power (Zeus)
4.2 Culture of the function (Apolo)
4.3 Culture of project (Atenea)
4.4 existential Culture (Dionisio)
4.5 Other classifications of culture
4.6 The concentric and border cultures.
4.7 The subcultures or microculturas
4.8 The culture of the company like whole
5. The management of the culture.
5.1 The transmission of the culture inside the company
6. Influence in the business culture
6.1 Culture of innovation for the company.
7. Conclusions
8. Bibliographic references.

1. Introduction
2. Motivation and satisfaction in the work.
2.1 Theories of the motivation.
2.1.1 Theories centered in the needs of the individual.
2.1.2 Theories centered in the motivational process
3. Types of motivation
3.1 Motivation extrínseca and intrinsic.
3.2 Motivation of the behaviour organizacional.
3.3 personal Motivation.
3.4 economic Motivation.
4. Indicadores Of the motivation.
5. Elements that favour the motivation.
5.1 theoretical Models of the motivation in the work.
5.1.1 Model based in the satisfaction of needs.
5.1.2 Theory of the group of reference
5.1.3 Theory of the values: the model of Locke
5.2 Factors of the place of work.
5.2.1 Events and conditions that cause satisfaction and technical of labour motivation
5.2.2 Agents in the satisfaction.
6. Conclusions
7. Bibliographic references.

1. Definition and concept.
1.1 Variables that inciden in the labour climate
1.2 Variables on which incide the labour climate
1.3 Typologies of the labour climate
2. Elaboración Of tools of measurement.
2.1 The surveys of labour climate
2.1.1 Phases in the elaboración of surveys of labour climate
3. Mobbing.
3.1 Phases of the mobbing
3.2 Types of mobbing.
3.3 The people involved
3.4 Factors desencadenantes of the moral bullying in the work
3.5 Effects of the moral bullying in the work.
3.6 Strategies of intervention in cases of mobbing.
3.6.1 Interventions of mediación for the prevention of the escalamiento of the bullying
4. Burnout.
5. Stress.
5.1 Conceptions of the stress
5.2 The labour stress
5.2.1The evaluation of the labour stress.
5.2.2 Strategies of prevention and intervention on the labour stress.
6. Elements of improvement of the labour climate
6.1 The managerial quality.
6.2 The satisfaction in the place of work.
6.3 Conciliation of the work with the familiar life.
6.4 professional Career.
6.5 Provision of social type
7. A practical example.
8. Conclusions
9. Bibliographic references.

1. Introduction
2. Types of conflicts
2.1 Functions and dysfunctions.
2.2 explanatory Models of the conflict.
2.2.1 didactic Model
3. Afrontamiento Of conflicts.
4. Solution of conflicts.
4.1 Tactics of negotiation.
4.2 The mediación.
5. Conclusions
6. Bibliographic references.

1. Introduction
2. General concepts
3. Plan of implementation.
4. Identification of priorities of the personnel and the company
5. Tools of conciliation
6. Advantages associated to the management of the conciliation.
7. Model EFR (Company Familiarmente Responsible): design, development and
Implantation of the model EFR
7.1 The phases of a EFR
7.2 Brakes and impulsores in the process of implantation of the culture EFR.
7.3 The Integral Plan of Conciliation (PIC).
7.4 The ten steps to be a EFR.
7.5 Examples of companies that conciliate: the III Reward Madrid Flexible Company.
8. Conclusions
9. Bibliography.

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El curso Management of the Labour Climate, Motivation, Resolution of Conflicts and Conciliation está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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