Cursos y Masters de INSTITUTO EUROPEO DE SALUD Y BIENESTAR SOCIAL Cursos y Masters de CODIS Cursos y Masters de IEB Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles Cursos y Masters de Ealde Business Scholl Cursos y Masters de ACEDIS Formación Cursos y Masters de Escuela de Administración de Empresa Cursos y Masters de SURGE Centro de Estudios Cursos y Masters de ACCADEMIA DEL LUSSO Cursos y Masters de Abaco Centro de Estudios Cursos y Masters de EUDE-Escuela Europea de Dirección y Empresa

Master Professional in Direction and Management of RRHH

Precio 1440 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 636 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Máster Profesional en Dirección y Gestión de Recursos Humanos Master Profesional en Dirección e Xestión de RRHH Master Professional en Adreça i Gestió de RRHH Master Profissional em Direcção e Gestão de RRHH   Master Professional in Direction and Management of RRHH   Master Professionnel en Direction et Gestion de RH
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

ACEDIS Training launches this program Master in Direction, Management and Audit of Human Resources putting near at hand of the student the Methodology ACEDIS that so good results has reflected along our experience like Centre of on-line training. This Master has been elaborated by more than 20 Consultores of skilled RRHH in all the areas of the bouquet, achieving like this aunar a methodology contrasted with the best practical knowledges and theoretical.

The planning of the Human Resources is essential in all company to fulfil with the marked aims, so much by the fulfillment of the work in himself, as by his effect in the buen ambiente of the same. This requires of a planning of the places that pose correct combination of suitable professionals, with the knowledges and skills to exert said places.

The technicians of recruitment, technical of internal communication, skills of leadership, agreements and competitions, between others, form part of the knowledge that has to have a buen gestor of Human Resources of a company, of face to obtain the aims that poses them to these professional each year

To the finalizar the course, the student will be capacitado stop:

Analyse, design and create the distinct Places of work and adapt them to the marked aims by the company.

Elaborate the annual report with the budget of Costs and Training of necessary annual employees for the companies.

Direct the staff of Human Resources

Inform of the distinct modalidades labour existent and adopt the necessary measures in function of the business situation.

Realize the Evaluations of control of staff.

Realize the Selection of personal.

Realize the annual Audits of Human Resources

The Temario is structured in Modules and these to his time in Didactic Units and the student will have of him in all moment in two formats:

In a CD-ROM edited by ACEDIS Training with all the content of study of the course that includes the didactic and different units files of video and audible that reinforce the learning.

They will facilitate some keys of personal access for each student to our Virtual Classroom, the On-line Campus where will have available to any hour all the Didactic Material, channels of query with professors by multiple half, as well as an area of contact with his mates

Incidentally, and only if the student like this wishes it, has the option to receive the total of the material of study in Version Impresa, in books encuadernados edited by ACEDIS Training (This format has a cost of 90 €)


ACEDIS Training, like Centre of skilled Training in On-line Training, and using always the last technologies of development web, has created the best tool of study for the student with the Virtual Campus, preserving those virtues that characterized to the Training Presencial by means of an adaptation of his elements to this new modalidad of learning.

The methodology of ACEDIS characterize fundamentally for freeing to the student of a rhythm of study prefixed, having of a high flexibility in accordance with his professional needs and/or personal.

The available resources of this Virtual Campus for the courses of ACEDIS fundamentally are:

practical Cases and exercises resolved, orientados to the application of theoretical knowledges in real suppositions.

Contact more next and simple with the docentes, for the direct resolution of doubts on the subjects. We did not limit us to use a mail, but also to take part in talks to real time via Chat with the students.

Forums of debate, in which realize questions on the Exercises to resolve and confrontan the distinct solutions proposed by the students for the Practical Cases.

Complete Material of Study, developing the subjects with rigour and depth, no thus exento of the last innovations in Auxiliary contents in form of Diagramas, Presentations, Videos Multimedia, etc ...

Reports and Statistical for analysis and evaluation of progress of the student.

Proofs of Evaluation Contínua that allow verificar the assimilation of contents by part of the student.

Tutorías docentes And academic, to attend the distinct needs of the students.

Department of Computer Support and Attention to the own Student, so that our students do not detain the correct development of his course by technical or administrative problems.


The course will be Tutorizado and monitorizado in all moment by our consultores specialists in Human Resources, having the different student channels of communication with the same through Forums of query, private Messages and Channels of Talk in real time (Chats)

Besides the student will realize different Test of Autoevaluación along the course, being able to realize them times estimate timely, and obtaining an immediate correction in screen; these exercises will serve of preparation for the proof of Final Examination, that will follow the same system of study.

To the finalizar each Module of the Temario the consultores of the course will organize a talk in real time (of voluntary assistance for the students), as if of a kind presencial treated , in which the students will be able to take part freely and enriquecer the knowledges purchased in the Module when integrating in the different threads of conversation that go producing; This complement will facilitate besides to the student that wish to take part, the understanding of the Subject and enriquecerá the Learning, when can contrast doubts and opinions no only in circle closed with the Tutores, but with the total of his mates, supliendo like this of form very efectiva the need of kinds presenciales.


To surpass the Master the student will have to surpass an on-line final proof that will consist in a battery of questions type Test with four possible answers and only a valid, in addition to having surpassed the exercises and works proposed along the course.


With the credit of the matrícula, no only will have right to an examination and recovery, but that in the case that you suspended, could not develop the course of normal form by personal circumstances, or could not you present to the examination by any cause, will have right to the Rematriculación gratuíta in the following announcement, so many times as you need until you approve or disappear this type of training, without additional costs of any type, entirely free.

Besides as I complement to the formative program the student will receive ál finalizarlo with aprovechamiento the Title of Technician of Basic in Prevention of Labour Risks.

Gift of the Manual edited by Publishing FC "Basic Guide for Intermediate Controls and Bosses of Team"

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

The realization of the program does not require of the fulfillment of any concrete requirement, if well is orientado to professional of the business management as well as to any person that wish to have a deep knowledge of the Systems of Management and Direction of Human Resources with the main recognition and international prestige and with a high demand of the companies of professional formed in these areas.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

MODULE 01 - The Company and The RR HH
1.1 - The Company Like Entity

MODULE 02 - Business Strategy of the RRHH
2.1 - Strategic Function Of The RR.HH
2.2 - Management Of the Change
2.3 - The Management Of Personnel
2.4 - Managerial Skills
2.5 - Social Skills

MODULE 03 - Culture of the company, motivation and labour climate
3.1 - Culture of Company
3.2 - Motivation
3.3 - Labour Climate
3.4 - Resolution of Conflicts
3.5 - Politics of Conciliation of Labour and Personal Life

MODULE 04 - Analysis and description of places of work
4.1 - Design of the places of work
4.2 - Description of the places of work
4.3 - Analysis of places of work

MODULE 05 - strategic Planning of needs of RRHH
5.1 - Planning of Staff
5.2 - Political Retributiva of the Company
5.3 - Evaluation Of the Exert

MODULE 06 - Selection of personnel
6.1 - Management of Human Resources by Competitions
6.2 - Selection of Traditional Personnel
6.3 - Selection of Personnel by Competitions
6.4 - And-recruitment
6.5 - The Interview

MODULE 07 - Technicians of communication and negotiation
7.1 - The Communication
7.2 - The Internal Communication
7.3 - The External Communication
7.4 - The Negotiation

MODULE 08 - Labour Management
8.1 - Modalidades Of Contratación
8.2 - The Wage
8.3 - Social Security
8.4 - Confección Of Payroll

MODULE 09 - The Training in the company
9.1 - Planning of the Training in the Company
9.2 - Training of Formadores
9.3 - Management of Subsidies for the Training

MODULE 10 - The Coaching in the company
10.1 - Coaching. Principles and basic concepts
10.2 - The Coaching Business
10.3 - Technical and Tools of Coaching Business
10.4 - The Communication in the Processes of Coaching Business
10.5 - Learning and Coaching
10.6 - Coaching Professional
10.7 - Coaching in the Centres of Call
10.8 - Coaching in the Sales

MODULE 11 - Audit Of The RRHH
11.1 - Introduction to the Audit
11.2 - Processes, Tools and Types Of Auditorias

MODULE 12 - Marketing, finances, quality and legal appearances
12.1 - Marketing
12.2 - Finances
12.3 - Quality
12.4 - Legal Appearances

MODULE 13 - English - Human Resources Management
13.1 - Groins - Human Resources Management

MODULE 14 - Prevention of Labour Risks
14.1 - Basic Concepts On Security and Health in the Work
14.2 - Risks Tied to the Conditions of Security
14.3 - Risks Tied to the Medioambiente of Work
14.4 - The Load of Work, the Fatiga and the Dissatisfaction Labor
14.5 - Elementary Systems of Control of Risks
14.6 - Plans of Emergency and Evacuation
14.7 - The Control of the Health of the Workers
14.8 - Specific Risks in Offices and Dispatches
14.9 - Public Organisms Related with Prevention
14.10 - Organization of the Preventive Work
14.11 - Documentation Collected, Elaboración and File
14.12 - First Helps

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El curso Master Professional in Direction and Management of RRHH está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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