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Communication Written and Attention Teléfonica in the Company

Precio 235 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 57 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Comunicación Escrita y Atención Telefónica en la Empresa Comunicación Escrita e Atención Teléfonica na Empresa Comunicació Escrita i Atenció Teléfonica en l“Empresa Comunicação Escrita e Atenção Teléfonica na Empresa   Communication Written and Attention Teléfonica in the Company   Communication Écrite et Attention Teléfonica dans l“Entreprise
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The introduction of the technologies of the information, the globalisation of the economy and the socioeconomic changes have propiciado determinate transformations in the methods of work, with a special incidence in the work that develop the professionals of the secretariat.

This course has developed with a double objective: in the first place, pretend collect of way systematised all those technicians developed and used by the professionals of the secretariat, of such way that serve like orientation for the recently incorporated to the labour world and like reminder and reafirmación of the knowledges of the secretaries and secretaries already asentados in the profession. Second, they propose some alternatives to the functions and tasks of the secretariat to expand them and do them more creative. It seems logical that if the secretaries and the secretaries are capacitados to realise functions that have been considered till lately like own of other professional, so much the space of his performance like the labour possibilities incrementarán.

Al finalizar this course the student will be perfectly capacitado for the own works of a/one secretary/to executive, in concrete the student will study:

The methods form and ways more correct in the business communication

Preparation and generation of clear and complete reports of big envergadura

Preparation of official documents

Preparation of meetings, congresses, presentations, etc...

Complete management of files

Attention to the client

All this will do by means of the understanding of the didactic texts of the course with examples of the different problematic studied and the most suitable way to face them, realisation of test of autoevaluación and resolution of multiple practical suppositions in which will pose real situations and the best form to face them.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

It does not have specific requirements

Temario cubierto por el curso:

CHAPTER I The communication
1.1. Introduction
1.2. The communication in the business field
1.2.1. The channels of communication
1.2.2. Technicians of communication
1.3. The communication written
1.3.1. The language
1.3.2. Styles of the business language
1.3.3. The protocol in the communication written
1.3.4. Examples
1.4. The confidentiality of the information
1.5. The quality of the information
1.6. Summary
1.7. Activities proposed

CHAPTER II The letters and his protagonismo in the business activity
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Types of letters
2.2.1. Formats
2.2.2. The greets
2.2.3. Examples
2.3. Massive sendings or mailings
2.3.1. Databases
2.3.2. Examples
2.4. Summary
2.5. Activities proposed

CHAPTER III The reports and documents of big envergadura
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Types of report
3.2.1. Economic reports-financial
3.2.2. Reports of audit
3.2.3. Technical reports
3.2.4. Commercial reports
3.2.5. Reports of personnel
3.2.6. Reports of marketing
3.3. Development of the report
3.3.1. Examples
3.4. Research of the information
3.4.1 Identification and selection of sources of information
3.5. Documents of big envergadura
3.5.1. Creation of master documents
3.6. Summary
3.7. Activities proposed

CHAPTER IV The offers
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Concept
4.3. Format
4.3.1. Planning
4.3.2. Diagram of the document
4.3.3. Editorial
4.3.4. Review
4.4. Types of offer
4.4.1. The public contest
4.4.2. The commercial offer
4.4.3. Examples
4.5. Summary
4.6. Activities proposed

CHAPTER V The internal communication in the company
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Concepts
5.3. Classes
5.3.1. Internal advertising
internal Press, bulletins
5.3.2. External advertising
5.3.3. Examples
5.4. Documents preimpresos
5.5. Communication and electronic support
5.5.1. Examples
5.6. Summary
5.7. Activities proposed

CHAPTER SAW official Documents
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Official documentation
6.2.1. Classes
6.3. Electronic signature
6.4. Examples
6.5. The legal frame of the mercantile societies
6.5.1. The Law of Societies
6.5.2. Mercantile register
Organisation and functions
6.6. Types of documents
6.6.1. Documents related with the constitution
of the company
6.6.2. Documents related with organs of administration
of the company and his activity
General Boards: records and certifications
Presentation of the annual accounts of the exercise
Books and official documents
6.7. Examples
6.8. Summary
6.9. Activities proposed

CHAPTER VII The electronic means
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Fax
7.2.1. Concept
7.2.2. Format
7.2.3. Examples
7.3. Networks
7.3.1. Local networks
7.3.2. Internet
7.3.3. Intranet/Extranet
7.3.4. Look for information
7.3.5. Share and distribute information
7.3.6. The electronic post
7.3.7. Examples
7.4. Electronic documents
7.4.1. Concept
7.5. Security
7.6. Summary
7.7. Activities proposed

CHAPTER VIII Documentation associated to meetings, congresses and presentations
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Documents oriented to the organisation of formal meetings
8.2.1. Announcements
8.2.2. Order of the day
8.2.3. Records
8.2.4. Examples
8.3. Presentations
8.3.1. The means
Blackboard of paper
Retroproyector of transparencies
Proyectores of diapositivas
Computer and cannon of projection
8.3.2. Types of presentation
8.3.3. Structure and design of presentations
8.3.4. Material of support
8.3.5. Examples
8.4. Reports
8.4.1. Structure and design of reports
8.5. Examples
8.6. Summary
8.7. Activities proposed

CHAPTER IX Storage and recovery of the documentation
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Treatment of the documentation
9.3. The file: concept and types of file
9.3.1. Classification
9.3.2. Physical and logical support
9.4. Storage, recovery and diffusion of the information
9.4.1. Design and operation
9.4.2. Register of the information
9.4.3. Recovery of the information
The manual of file
Index of file
9.4.4. Diffusion of the information
9.4.5. Identification and solution of problems
9.5. Examples
9.6. Summary
9.7. Activities proposed

CHAPTER X Attention to the client
10.1. Introduction
10.2. The external client/the internal client
10.2.1. Culture of company
10.2.2. Professional image
10.3. Attitudes in the communication
10.3.1. Barriers
10.3.2. Protocol
10.3.3. Public relations
10.4. Attention to the visitors
10.5. Telephone attention
10.5.1. Telephone directory
10.5.2. Register of calls
10.5.3. Call effectively
10.5.4. Reception of calls
10.5.5. Multiconferencia
10.6. The mobile telephones
10.6.1. The service of roaming
10.7. New technologies
10.7.1. Videoconference
10.7.2. Centres of reception of calls (call-centers)
10.8. Examples
10.9. Summary
10.10. Activities proposed

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El curso Communication Written and Attention Teléfonica in the Company está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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