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Course of Common Administrative Procedure

Precio 300 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 68 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Procedimiento Administrativo Común Curso de Procedemento Administrativo Común Curs de Procediment Administratiu Comú Curso de Procedimento Administrativo Comum   Course of Common Administrative Procedure   Cours de Procédure Administrative Commune
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

This course has been designed from a perspective eminentemente practical, in him treat with depth the Law of Common Administrative Procedure, so much from one the legal vision and from an optical administrative.

The student will understand all the administrative procedure and will know like transacting any file in front of the administration, the suitable form to do it, the terms, the proofs to contribute, the resources that can interpose, etc...

Treat in definite to purchase a solid knowledge that allow once surpassed the course that the student desenvuelva with soltura in the farragosos dispatches of the administration knowing all his rights and obligations in each file transacted.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

Directed to all those people that can act in the tramitación of administrative files

Temario cubierto por el curso:

MODULE 01 - Common Administrative Procedure

Or.D. 1.1 - Introduction
historical Antecedents
constitutional Period

Or.D. 1.2 - Law 30/1992
general Questions
Ambito of application and general principles
Kinds of administrative procedures
Phases of the common administrative procedure

Or.D. 1.3 - Initiation of the Procedure
Roads of initiation
The administrative registers
Enminda and improvement of the application
provisional Measures and accumulation

Or.D. 1.4 - Ordenación of the Procedure
The interested
Right and obligations of the interested
Terms and terms
Principles of ordenación and performance in the procedure

Or.D. 1.5 - Instruction of the Procedure
The allegations
The proof
Participation of the interested
Notification and publication
Terminación of the procedure

Or.D. 1.6 - The Execution of the Administrative Acts
general Questions
Half of execution forzosa

Or.D. 1.7 - Review of the Administrative Acts
The review of the acts in administrative road
The administrative resources

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Course of Common Administrative Procedure está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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