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Tools of Improvement Contínua in the Management of Quality

Precio 295 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 67 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Herramientas de Mejora Continua en la Gestión de Calidad Ferramentas de Mellora Contínua na Xestión de Calidade Eines de Millora Contínua en la Gestió de Qualitat Ferramentas de Melhora Contínua na Gestão de Qualidade   Tools of Improvement Contínua in the Management of Quality   Outils d“Amélioration Contínua dans la Gestion de Qualité
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

In some business surroundings increasingly competitive the companies have to incorporate the quality like a key element in his systems of management to satisfy the needs of the clients, reduce the costs and achieve the main quotas of exigencia with the end to improve his competitive position in the market.

In this process of adaptation to the new exigencias of the market, the companies need professional properly prepared for the planning of the design and the implantation of the internal processes in the field of the management of the Quality encaminando to the company to the Total Quality.

The manager of Quality in the company has to know in all moment like concienciar to the personnel and involve to all the company in the processes of improvement and quality that repercutirán definitely in the improvement of the product or final service and therefore in the satisfaction of the client in addition to ensuring the optimización of the so much human resources and material of the company and his full integration in the productive process.

With this course the student will learn to:

Establish a culture of quality in the company explaining his advantages

The importance of the teams of improvement inside the politics of Quality

Use all the tools that will allow to the company guarantee a continuous improvement in his productive processes

Detect the errors in the politics of quality and establish improvements that increase the guarantees of success of the company

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

They do not exist specific requirements.

Destinado To professional that want to prepare to develop and verificar the systems of quality in the company

Temario cubierto por el curso:

The satisfaction of the client
1.1 - The Vision of the Company and of the Client
1.2 - Actuacion Previous to the Medicion of the Satisfaccion of the Client
1.3 - Systems of Retroalimentacion of the Client
1.4 - Tools of Use Comun for the Measure of the satisfaction of the Client

The improvement contínua
2.1 - General Concept of the Continuous Improvement
2.2 - Key Performances for the Programacion of the Continuous Improvement
2.3 - Key Performances for the Resolution of Problems of Quality

The 7 tools for the improvement contínua
3.1 - Storm of Ideas
3.2 - Diagramas Causes Effect
3.3 - Leaf of Collected of Data
3.4 - Histogram
3.5 - Estratificacion
3.6 - Diagrama of Pareto
3.7 - Diagrama of Dispersion

modal Analysis of failures and effects
4.1 - Definitions
4.2 - Previous Requirements
4.3 - Stages for his Implantacion

The 7 new tools for the improvement contínua
5.1 - Diagrama of Affinities
5.2 - Diagrama of Relations
5.3 - Diagrama of Arbol
5.4 - Diagrama Matricial
5.5 - Diagrama of the Process of Decision
5.6 - Diagrama of Arrows
5.7 - Matrices of Priorización

Technical statistical of control of processes
6.1 - Concepts Estadisticos
6.2 - Estadistica Descriptiva
6.3 - Distribucion of Probability
6.4 - Variability
6.5 - Graficos of Control
6.6 - Indices of Capacity

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El curso Tools of Improvement Contínua in the Management of Quality está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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