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Analysis and Description and Assessment of Places of Work

Precio 300 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 68 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Análisis, Descripción y Valoración de Puestos de Trabajo Análise e Descrición e Valoración de Postos de Traballo Anàlisi i Descripció i Valoració de Llocs de Treball Análise e Descrição e Valoração de Postos de Trabalho   Analysis and Description and Assessment of Places of Work   Analyse et Description et Estimation de Postes de travail
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Along the Century XX the politics of Human Resources in the Company has gone purchasing relevancia in the complete management of the organization to achieve the best results and the optimización of the available resources in the company.

One of the most important parts in the Management of the Human Resources in is design organizaciónal of the different places of work and the study of the requests of the same, as well as the profile idoneo for his coverage, with what will achieve to occupy the place with the best possible worker and like this improve noticeably the performance.

The knowledge of these concepts is an essential element in the politics of Human Resources pues sustentan appearances so important like the assessment of the adecuación to the place, the assessment of the exert and the reward, as well as the design of professional careers, fundamental appearances to optimize the labour performance of the human capital of the company.

Objective Generals

The main aim of this course is to give to know the concepts of analysis, description and assessment of places of work. In subject of assessment go in to know the diverse methodologies of assessment more known. Beside these concepts the course center in a concrete method that posibilita the practical application of a method of assessment.

Objective Especificos

And specific aims the student will learn and will handle with soltura:

The analysis and description of places.

The assessment of places.

Methods for the assessment of places of work.

In definite, when finishing the course the student will be prepared for análizar, design and value the structure of places of work of the company.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not requirements of access

Directed to responsible of Human Resources and students of social sciences interested in focusing his career to the management of personnel

Temario cubierto por el curso:

MODULE UNICO - Analysis and Description of Places of Work

UD 01. - Design of the places of work
1. Introduction
2. Concept
3. Cntecedentes Of the analysis and description of places of work
3.1 The organization of the work in the period preindustrial.
3.2 The organization of the work in the period of the industrialization.
3.3 The scientific organization of the work.
3.4 The period postindustrial: new forms of organization of the human work.
4. Models of design of places of work
5. The motivation of the workers
5.1 Main theories on the motivation
5.2 Application of the theories to the practice.
6. The cession of authority to the employees
7. The teams of work
8. Summary

UD 02. - Description of the places of work
1. Introduction
2. Identification of the place
3. Description of the place: forms cualitativas
4. Specifications of the place
5. Summary

UD 03. - Analysis of places of work
1. Introduction
2. Structure of the analysis of places
3. Methods of descripcion and analysis of places of work
4. Analysis cuantitativo of places of work
4.1 Technicians based in behaviours and requests.
4.2 Technicians based in the content
4.2.1 The functional analysis of places and the methodology of the dictionary of occupational titles "Functional Job Analysis" and "Dictionary of Occupational Titles" JDA-DOT).
4.2.2 Inventories - lists of chequeo - catalogues of tasks ("Job-Task Inventory" - "Checklist" - "Catalog")
5. Phases of the analysis of places of work
6. The analyst of places of work
7. Summary.

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El curso Analysis and Description and Assessment of Places of Work está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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