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Attention to the Client and Management of Claims

Precio 235 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 57 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Atención Telefónica y Gestión de Reclamaciones Atención ao Cliente e Xestión de Reclamaciones Atenció al Client i Gestió de Reclamacions Atenção ao Cliente e Gestão de Reclamações   Attention to the Client and Management of Claims   Attention au Client et Gestion de Réclamations
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

In the 21st century the companies have like main aim the satisfaction and fidelización of his clients, like consequence of a main competitiveness and as no, of the globalisation.

This concept of satisfaction of the client seems to have turned into the "Saint " Grial" of our century and like such shows difficult and inalcanzable, accessible only for "the purest and valerosos".

Along this course addresses the question from a different approach: the technical and emotional competitions necessary for the attention (and fidelización) of the client, especially the skills of relation and communication; the deep knowledge of the client, so much intern and external; the own technological tools of the period with special attention to the CRM and the management of the electronic post; the telephone attention and the management of claims and resolution of conflicts.

Achieve a new client arrives to cost 5 times more than what would cost the have kept to a client that has abandoned us by problems arisen in the management of our commercial relation. Thus, it is vital to know the opinion and the complaints that of the company and of the services that offers receive by part of the clients, to resolve them with celerity and to improve so many products like services.

Many times the voice that attends the complaints, claims or simply queries, is the only direct contact that has the client with his company. Thus in presence and by telephone is important to resolve a complaint with celerity and
"to the first" to guarantee the satisfaction of our clients and attain his fidelización.

In this course that goes headed to the professionals of the secretariat, as well as to receptionists and telefonistas, supervisory and teleoperadores of the centres of attention to the client and CRM the student will learn to:

  • Project a positive image of the company and increase the confidence of his clients

  • Gestionar all the stages of the attention to the client

  • Turn into opportunities of fidelización the management of complaints

  • Afianzar and train the necessary competitions for the attention to the client

  • Detect the needs of the client and know attend it and serve it with quality

  • Gestionar the attention to the client with the diverse available tools, telephone , and-mail, CRMs

  • Improve the telephone attention surpassing the barriers of communication and take advantage of the tools that have near at hand in the sale and attention

  • Detect the most common errors that realise in the attention of reclamacione

  • Negotiate and resolve the conflicts in front of the most usual claims

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not previous requirements of access.

Temario cubierto por el curso:



technical Competitions
emotional Competitions
Competitions of personal efficiency
Behaviour in front of the failures
Commitment with the organisation
Motivation by the attainment
Quality of the service
Competitions of influence
Skills for the negotiation and resolution of conflicts
Skills for the building of relations
managerial Competitions
Skills to work in team
Competitions of help and service


Why the clients leave to be it?
Who is the internal client?
Types of clients
Needs of the client
Need to be comprised
Need to be very received
Need to feel important
Need of comfort
Attention to the client with quality
historical Evolution of the concept of quality
Serve to the client with quality Conclusions


The telephone and the electronic post like means more used for the communications with the clients
The telephone and the attention to the client
The impact of the electronic post in the attention to the client
The services of attention to the client demand an upper schedule to the of the company
Profits of the implantation of the solution CRM
Disadvantages of the implantation of the solution CRM
The client has every time main trend to do cost his rights like consumer
The satisfaction of the client is not in hands of an alone department but of all the company
The feelings that perceives the client when presenting his complaint are the most durable and those that will comment in his surroundings
The companies that triumph are those that gestionan with intelligence the complaints of his clients


Process of the communication
Barriers of the communication
Barriers by part of the emisor
Barriers by part of the receptor
common Barriers
Barriers of the surroundings
general Appearances in the telephone attention
basic Appearances in the telephone attention
verbal Communication: the language
Communication no verbal
The "telephone smile"
Listens active
Summary verbal communication/communication no verbal
Call effectively
Reception of calls
The mobile telephones
responsible Use of the mobile telephones
telephone Directories
Database, relations and contacts
Notebook of directions of Outlook Express


Negotiate and resolve conflicts
The negotiation
Resolution of conflicts
Attention of claims

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El curso Attention to the Client and Management of Claims está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 19/05/2011.

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