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Technician in Coaching Business

Precio 270 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 60 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Técnico en Coaching Empresarial Técnico en Coaching Empresarial Tècnic en Coaching Empresarial Técnico em Coaching Empresarial   Technician in Coaching Business   Technicien en Coaching Des entreprises
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The Coaching is an activity that improves the exert in permanent form to attain the positive change with base in the human capital.

Treat of a system of personal training for a better exploitation of the potentialities in the management of the change.

Some definitions of Coaching are:

"The coaching is to help to the people to discover his potentialities and attain what propose ." Bonnie S. Turner

"The purpose of the coaching is to improve and develop skills -in the life, in the businesses, in the relations- so that the people are happier, more productive and abler to achieve his put of a form balanced." Dave Pughe-Parry

"The coaching is to help to the people to maximizar his fortresses and to handle his weaknesses." Rosa Say.

"The coaching is to help to the people to connect achieve same, so that they are better prepared to take better decisions regarding what wish to attain in his life and how wish to attain it." Stewart Berman.

In the two last decades, and especially in the last years, the coaching has had an explosion like system of training applied to the organizaciónes owed to a large extent to the importance that has purchased the specialization of the personnel in uan society each day more cambiante.

And half of training and adaptation to the change, the Coaching has converted in an indispensable tool in the optimización of the Human Resources, when program and executes properly, this system achieves aflorar the best of each worker in his place and in the context of the organization.

The managers of personnel and gestores of teams, have gone him giving each time a main importance, until the point that today is impensable that the one who gestione the human capital of the company do not have at least some basic concepts of coahing that help him to seat the bases to obtain the best of his workers and collaborators.

With this course the student:

it Will comprise and will understand completely the concept of coaching and his possibilities of business application

Apply the technicians of coaching more efectivas to improve the labour performance of the human capital of the company

Gestionar all the processes of communication and learning in the coaching

Programar, structure, realize and value a process of coaching complete in the company

In this course of add specifically technical of coaching applicable to the centres of calls and teams of sales, pues these branches of the company are of which main provecho will obtain of the autoconvencimiento and implication that supposes an action of coaching properly executed.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There is not
Directed to intermediate controls, to those who hold responsible of the management of the human capital in the company, as well as to recien titled of the area of the social sciences

Temario cubierto por el curso:

UD 1 - Coaching. Principles and basic concepts

¿What is the Coaching?
History of the Coaching
Types of Coaching
Models of Coaching
¿What is not the Coaching?

UD 2 - The Coaching Business

Company. Basic concepts
The Coaching Applied to the Companies
Strategic Planning and Coaching Business
The Coach Business

UD 3 - Technical and Tools of Coaching Business

Establishment of Put and Development of a Plan of Action
The Coaching for Technicians of Leadership
The Coaching for Technicians of Negotiation
Feedback 360º

UD 4 - The Communication in the Processes of Coaching Business

The Communication in the Organizations
Importance of the Communication in the Coaching Business
The Verbal Communication and the Coaching
The no Verbal Communication
Know Listen

UD 5 - Learning and Coaching

Theories of the Learning
The Principles of the Learning Adult
The Models of Learning
Styles of Learning

UD 6 - Coaching Professional

Profits of the Coaching Professional
The Coaching for the Distinct Stages of a Professional Career
The Coaching Executive Professional
The Coaching for Professional Blockades
The Coaching Profesioanl in the Organizations

UD 7 - Coaching in the Centres of Call

Profits of the Coaching in the Centres of Call
Barriers of the Coaching in the Centres of Call
Functions of the Coach
Specific Technicians of Coaching in the Centres of Call
Qualities of a Buen Coach in the Centres of Call

UD 8 - Coaching in the Sales

Profits of the Coaching in the Sales
Technicians of Coaching in the Sales
The Sale like a Mental Technician
The Needs of the Client
The Communication in the Coaching of Sales

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El curso Technician in Coaching Business está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.

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