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Course of Coordinator of Security and Health in the Building

Precio 495 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 200 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud en la Construcción Curso de Coordinador de Seguridade e Saúde na Construción Curs de Coordinador de Seguretat i Salut en la Construcció Curso de Coordenador de Segurança e Saúde na Construção   Course of Coordinator of Security and Health in the Building   Cours de Coordinateur de Sécurité et Santé à la Construction
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The main aim is to form specialists that can develop the functions of coordinators in subject of security and health contemplated in the RD 1627/97, of agreement to the formative content approved in the National Commission of Security and Health in the Work and recommended by the Institute of Security and Hygiene in the Work and the Ministry of Work and Social Subjects.

It fits to highlight the forcing of the figure of the Coordinator of Security and Health in the following supposed:

  • During the execution of the project: In the works included in the field of application of the Real Decree 1627, when in the elaboración of the project of work take part several proyectistas, the promoter will designate a coordinator in subject of security and of health during the elaboración of the project of work.

  • During the execution of the work: In the works included in the field of application , when in the elaboración of the project of work take part several proyectistas, the promoter will designate a coordinator in subject of security and of health during the elaboración of the project of work.The designación of the figure of coordinator is an exigencia that the promoter can not delegate neither transmit, so at least by agreement, to the contractor or to third.


    Between the functions of the coordinator, could highlight:

  • Coordinate the activities of work to guarantee that they apply the preventive measures.

  • Approve the Plan of Security and, in his case, the modifications entered.

  • Schedule the distinct works that develop simultaneously and coordinate the distinct companies that take part.

  • Coordinate the actions and functions of control of the correct application of the methods of work.

  • Custodiar The Book of Incidences, leaving constancia of the incumplimiento of the measures of security.

  • The Course provides a titulación valid to act like Coordinator of Security and Health in the Building in all Spain so much to those companies by exigencias legal the precisan and to which suits by exigencias operative, since all need to adapt to the exigencias of the valid legislation.

    It is important to highlight that the Technical and Upper Engineers, like this as the Architects and Aparejadores, can broaden his training and with this increase his possibilities of employment and his knowledge of the subject with this course independently of if they are Technical of Prevention or no.

    The students that finalicen the Course and surpass the final proofs will be recognized like Coordinators of Security and Health in the Building.

    Requisitos de acceso al curso:

    Technical or Upper engineers, Architects and Aparejadores

    Temario cubierto por el curso:

    Module 1. - Introduction

    didactic Unity 1: basic Concepts on security and health in the work. Normative frame.

    Didactic unity 2: Management of the prevention

    Module 2. - General technicians.

    Didactic unity 1: Planning of the prevention in the works of building

    didactic Unity 2: general Technicians of analysis, evaluation and control of risks

    didactic Unity 3: Measures of emergency and surveillance of the health

    didactic Unity 4: Promotion of the prevention

    Module 3. - Analysis, evaluation and control of risks

    didactic Unity 1: general Conditions of security in the works of building

    didactic Unity 2: Conditions of security in the works of edificación

    didactic Unity 3: Conditions of security in civil work

    didactic Unity 4: specific technical Norms of application

    didactic Unity 5: Risks and preventive measures related with the medioambiente of work in the works of building. Industrial hygiene

    didactic Unity 6: Other preventive appearances related with the works of building

    Practical Module

    didactic Unity 1: Resolution of a practical case

    didactic Unity 2: Realization of project end of course

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    Otros datos del Curso:

    El curso Course of Coordinator of Security and Health in the Building está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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