Cursos y Masters de IIMN Internacional de Márketing Cursos y Masters de Escuela de Diseño y Moda ISA Cursos y Masters de SAE Institute Spain Cursos y Masters de Spa Zenter Formación Cursos y Masters de Escuela de Formación Abierta para el Deporte Cursos y Masters de ACEDIS Formación Cursos y Masters de Implika Cursos y Masters de SEAS Estudios Superiores Abiertos Cursos y Masters de DEUSTO Formación Cursos y Masters de INSA

Course of Protocol and Communication in the Company and the Businesses

Precio 420 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 73 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Protocolo y Comunicación en la Empresa y los Negocios Curso de Protocolo e Comunicación na Empresa e os Negocios Curs de Protocol i Comunicació en l“Empresa i els Negocis Curso de Protocolo e Comunicação na Empresa e os Negócios   Course of Protocol and Communication in the Company and the Businesses   Cours de Protocole et Communication en l“Entreprise et les Affaires
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The utilisation generalised of modern systems of communication and the development of new technologies in the human relations, institutional or business do that it was necessary a distinct approach of the traditional protocol that has come using until our days.

What better know the technicians of organisation of acts inside the company, some determinate codes of business behaviour, so much to ethical level and professional and the suitable forms to the hour to board relations with other organisms, more effective will be the management of the company, will simplify the access to the services of our institutions and in general will enjoy of some labour surroundings more pleasant and productive.

This course pretends to be a reference reasoned of the current protocol in the company and the businesses, explaining the correct and suitable procedures for the resolution of the problems and performances of índole comunicacional and of image, in the labour and personal field. The incidence of the image in the people, especially in those with high responsibilities, employers, managerial, professional, etc., it conditions many times the result of operations in addition to affecting to the relation that have with his mates and subordinated. The employers anchored in attitudes of the past ignore the deterioration that produce in his organisations and coartan the development in his businesses.

With this course to the student will open him new horizons and will achieve new perspectives to improve his guidelines of behaviour.

The course goes headed to managerial, executive, secretaries of high direction Bosses of Press, Responsible of Institutional Relations, Responsible of Cabinets of Communication and of External Relations, Public Relations, and in general to all those people whose work inside the organigrama business require a direct deal with the public and other companies.

With this course the student will learn to:

Gestionar properly his personal image and the business image in the mábito of the relations with clients, providers and institutions

Gestionar the attention in the day in day out to all the labour contacts

Organisation of meetings and business and institutional acts

Handle all the appearances of the business communication and the public relations

Gestionar the corporate image of the company

Integrate the protocol inside his trabajao daily and in the business organisation

Take out the maximum provecho of image by the gifts of company and the invitations

The process of learning base in the reading comprensiva of the different didactic units that comprise the course and systematic realisation of the test of autoevaluación, besides the course is focused in an essentially practical sense with inumerables examples for each separated in which pose different situations and the best form of gestionarlas and treat them, along the course. To surpass the course, the student will have to realise several practical cases posed by the tutors and surpass a final examination in the platform of and-learning.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

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Temario cubierto por el curso:

Temario Covered
Chapter I - The Origin of the Protocol
1.1. The origin
1.2. The socialisation and the jerarquización of the human relations
1.2.1. The socialisation
1.2.2. The jerarquización
1.3. The importance of the texts in the history of the protocol
1.4. The controversy, why no?
1.5. The utility of the protocol

Chapter II - Concept of Protocol
2.1. Definition of protocol
2.2. Desmitifiquemos The protocol
2.3. Classes of protocol
2.4. Basic definitions

Chapter III - The Business Protocol: a New Concept
3.1. The business protocol

Chapter IV - The Courtesy in the Company
4.1. Business courtesy and social courtesy
4.2. Social norms versus social uses
4.3. How receive to a visit in the dispatch?
4.4. The greeting
4.4.1. To the hour to greet
4.4.2. The social kiss in the company
4.4.3. The besamanos
4.5. The presentations
4.6. The cards of visit
4.7. The treatments: the employment of the "you" and of the "you"
4.8. All are "ladies"
4.9. The good ways in the businesses
4.9.1. Rules of gold of the behaviour in the labour field

Chapter V - The Personal Image in the Labour Field
5.1. The personal image
5.2. The five first minutes
5.3. The qualities of the personal image
5.4. Components of a good image
5.5. The image in the field of the businesses
5.6. The elegance
5.7. The woman in the work
5.7.1. Recommendations for the woman in the labour field
5.7.2. Factors that will take into account to the hour to choose our vestimenta
5.7.3. Basic councils on the colours
5.7.4. Make-up
5.7.5. Perfumes
5.7.6. The feminine label
5.8. The man: the informal occasions and the place of work
5.8.1. The masculine suit
5.8.2. The label in the man

Chapter SAW - The Art to Invite
6.1. The restoration: origin and history
6.2. Types of canteen and tables
6.2.1. Types of table
6.2.2. Structural designs of the canteens
6.3. The precedences and the systems of placing of the invited
to the table
6.3.1. The system of the needles of the clock
6.3.2. The system cartesiano
6.4. The placing of the presidencies
6.4.1. The French system
6.4.2. The English system
6.5. The priority of the right and the situation of the invited of honour
6.6. Cession of the presidencies
6.6.1. Cession of the first presidency, that corresponds to the host
6.6.2. Cession of the second presidency, that corresponds to the host
6.7. The point of honour
6.8. The invited of honour
6.9. Other types of tables
6.10. The leading are the invited
6.10.1. Recommendations
6.11. Technicians to indicate to the commensals his placing to the table: the meseros, the signposts and the flatly individual cards
6.11.1. For foods of one or few tables: the meseros
6.11.2. For the big foods (conventions, banquets...)
6.12. The host and the invited
6.12.1. If it is you the invited
6.12.2. If it is you the host
6.13. The interpreters
6.14. The toasts
6.15. The speeches in the foods
6.16. The restaurant
6.16.1. Key elements of the attention to the client during his stay in an establishment
6.16.2. Decálogo Of the attention to the client
6.16.3. Norms of behaviour front to the client
6.17. The good ways to the table
6.18. The origin and the distribution of the elements in the table
6.18.1. The lingerie
6.18.2. The tableware
6.18.3. The cubertería
6.18.4. The glassware
6.18.5. The dish of bread
6.18.6. Placing of the pétit-menage
6.19. Decoration of the table
6.20. Norms to begin to serve
6.20.1. Priority in the service
6.20.2. Special celebrations
6.21. Access and withdrawal of a bufé

Chapter VII - Agasajo in the Businesses
7.1. The week-end
7.1.1. If it is you the host
7.1.2. If it is you the invited
7.2. The gifts of company

Chapter VIII - The Attention to the Telephone
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Recommendations
8.3. The "noes" of the attention to the telephone
8.4. The calls between executives
8.4.1. When an executive wants to speak with a person of lower rank
8.4.2. When two executives want to speak by telephone through his two secretaries
8.4.3. When two executives of equal rank want to speak through the line
8.5. The answering machine
8.6. The mobile telephones

Chapter IX - The Effective Secretary and his Image
9.1. The global image of the secretary
9.1.1. Physical presence
9.1.2. The voice
9.2. The corporal language
9.2.1. The position of the body. The posture
9.2.2. The face
9.3. The attention to the client
9.3.1. The need to have of a secretary informed
9.3.2. The need to have of a secretary motivated
9.4. Attentions that a secretary has to have with the clients
9.5. Key terms in the reception of a client
9.6. Subjects that have to avoid in the work
9.7. Rules of gold of the perfect secretary
9.7.1. What you never has to do
9.7.2. What himself has to do
9.7.3. The diary
9.7.4. How we will receive to the visitor?
9.7.5. The calls
9.7.6. Finalización Of the visit
9.7.7. What has to do a secretary if the boss does not arrive?
9.8. Styles of direction
9.8.1. Effective and participatory
9.8.2. Authoritarian
9.8.3. Paternalista
9.8.4. Liberal
9.8.5. Soft
9.8.6. "Trepa-Executive"

Chapter X - Keys to Dominate the Interpersonal Relations
10.1. The emotional intelligence in the company
10.2. The discretion
10.3. The asertividad

Chapter XI - The Effective Management of the Time
11.1. Effective management of the time

Chapter XII - The Trips of Businesses
12.1. Preparation and planning
12.2. Aims
12.3. Peculiarities of other cultures
12.3.1. Commercial relations with foreign

Chapter XIII - The Meetings of Work and the Foods of Company
13.1. The meetings of work
13.1.1. Deviations more common of the meetings
13.1.2. Previous approaches to a meeting
13.1.3. Reasons that justify the meetings
13.1.4. Planning of a meeting
13.1.5. Possible distributions of the room
13.2. Work alone or in team
13.3. The foods of company
13.3.1. Desayuno Of work
13.3.2. Coffe-break
13.3.3. Brunch
13.3.4. Breakfast of work
13.3.5. Snak Or tentempié
13.3.6. Dinner with couple

Chapter XIV - The Editorial of a Letter: General Norms
14.1. The commercial and business correspondence
14.1.1. How it directs the correspondence?
14.1.2. The stylistic review

Chapter XV - Organisation and Planning of Acts
15.1. Fundamental elements of the public acts
15.1.1. The planning
15.1.2. Structuring
15.1.3. Documentation of the act
15.1.4. Human resources
15.1.5. Material means
15.1.6. Economic resources
15.1.7. Data that have to stir to be able to begin to develop a project
15.2. Execution of the project of an event
15.3. The documentation of an act
15.4. Regarding the media
15.4.1. Tasks of the Department of Protocol regarding the means
15.5. The security
15.5.1. Escoltas In the vehicles
15.5.2. Caravan of security
15.6. Classification of the acts
15.6.1. Official public acts
15.6.2. Public acts no official
15.6.3. Private acts
15.7. Presidencies and precedences in a public act
15.7.1. The presidency of an act
15.7.2. The precedences in an act
15.8. Placing of personalities in vehicles

Chapter XVI - The Organisation of Acts in the Company
16.1. Planning of the public act
16.2. Competitions of the Department of Protocol regarding the organisation of acts in the company
16.3. Preparation, development and evaluation of the acts promoted by the company
16.3.1. The information on the realisation of an event
16.3.2. List of invited and assistants
16.3.3. Election of the frame for the celebration
16.3.4. Protocol
16.3.5. Documentation
16.3.6. Material means
16.3.7. Gratitudes
16.4. Organisation of acts
16.4.1. The visit guided
16.4.2. Commercial exhibitions or fairs
16.4.3. Inaugurations and placings of first stone
16.4.4. The boards of shareholders
16.5. The congresses
16.5.1. Preparation of the congress
16.5.2. Development of the congress
16.5.3. Closure
16.5.4. Back works

Chapter XVII - Official Protocol Spanish
17.1. Generalities
17.2. The Real House Spaniard
17.2.1. Character, succession and proclamación
17.2.2. Attributions that correspond to the King
17.2.3. The King like supreme control of the Armed forces (art. 62 of the Constitution)
17.2.4. Distinction between Real Family and Family of the King
17.2.5. Treatments of the Real Family
17.2.6. The House of the King
17.2.7. The greeting
17.2.8. Precedences
17.2.9. The real clothing
17.2.10. Relations with the particular: audiences, applications or requests
17.3. The structure of the Spanish State
17.3.1. Introduction
17.3.2. Antecedents of the Constitution of 1978
17.3.3. Structure of the Constitution
17.3.4. The political structure of the Spanish State
17.4. The symbols of the State
17.4.1. The national shield
17.4.2. The national hymn
17.4.3. The national flag
17.4.4. Placing of the flags: precedences and location
17.4.5. Disposal of the flags
17.5. Protocol inside the Autonomous Community
17.5.1. The State of the Autonomies
17.5.2. Precedences of the Autonomous Communities
17.6. The autonomic competitions
17.6.1. Institutional organisation
17.6.2. Treatments in the Autonomous Communities
17.6.3. Heráldica Autonomic
17.6.4. Prelación Of the authorities of an Autonomous Community in acts to which do not assist authorities of the Administration of the State
17.7. Treatments honoríficos
17.7.1. Rey, Real Family, House of the King
17.7.2. Heads of state no topped
17.7.3. Excelentísimo Gentleman / Excelentísima Lady
17.7.4. Ilustrísimo Gentleman / Ilustrísima Lady
17.7.5. Señoría
17.7.6. Local administration
17.7.7. Armed forces
17.7.8. Diplomatic career
17.7.9. Catholic church 17.8. Annex: Real Decree 2099/1983

Chapter XVIII - The Corporate Identity in the Company
18.1. The Direction of Communication
18.2. Corporate identity
18.3. Corporate image
18.3.1. The name
18.3.2. The logotype
18.3.3. The symbols
18.3.4. The corporate colours
18.3.5. Culturemas
18.3.6. The corporate architecture
18.3.7. Objective data
18.4. The strategy

Chapter XIX - The Codes of Company
19.1. Codes of company
19.2. The forms to express
19.2.1. Oral language
19.2.2. Language written
19.3. Celebrations
19.4. Uses when dressing
19.4.1. Regarding the men
19.4.2. In the case of the women

Chapter XX - The Protocol inside the Organigrama Business
20.1. The organigrama business
20.2. The location of the public relations, the protocol and the cabinets of press inside the organigrama business
20.3. Fields in which will act the protocol inside the company

Chapter XXI - The Business Communication
21.1. Politics of integral communication
21.2. Internal communication
21.2.1. Downward communication
21.2.2. Upward communication
21.2.3. Horizontal or lateral communication
21.3. External communication
21.3.1. Cabinets of Public Relations and Protocol
21.3.2. Cabinets of Press
21.3.3. External cabinets of communication

Chapter XXII - The Training Comunicacional of the Directors
22.1. Managerial function and needs of communication of the company
22.2. The behaviour in front of the media
22.3. Recommendations to take part in front of an audience
22.4. How speak in public? The oral communication
22.4.1. Diagram of an intervention in public
22.4.2. The oratory
22.5. General norms for the communication spoken and written
22.5.1. We avoid "the three temptations"
22.6. Debate and negotiation
22.6.1. Characteristics that has to gather a good negociador
22.6.2. Phases of the negotiation
22.6.3. The protocol in the negotiation

Chapter XXIII - The no Verbal Communication
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Characteristics of the no verbal communication
23.3. The Quinesia
23.3.1. The influence of the culture
23.3.2. Gestures that delatan to the liars
23.3.3. The gestures of the hands
23.3.4. The gestures of the arms and legs
23.3.5. The look
23.3.6. Greetings and galanteos
23.3.7. The message of the body
23.4. The Paralinguistic
23.4.1. Volume
23.4.2. Tone
23.4.3. Intonation
23.4.4. Speed
23.4.5. Fluidity
23.5. The Proxemia
23.6. The corporal movements in a meeting of work

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El curso Course of Protocol and Communication in the Company and the Businesses está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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