Course of Thermoelectric Solar Energy
300 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 68 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Almost with total certainty, could affirm that the Thermoelectric Solar Energy (also known like Energy Termosolar), is up to now the less known of between the three current forms to take advantage of the energy of the Sun. In effect, the thermal solar energy and photovoltaic have had fortunately a formidable expansion in the last years, and already are part integrante of our daily life: production of ACS, support to heating, climatización of swimming pool, generation and inyección of electricity... They are a sample of the profits obtained with these applications. However, it exists a third technological slope, that allows the generation of electricity in plants of big potencia, equiparable to head offices of production of conventional energy, but with the environmental profits of the renewable energies.
The principle of operation of the Energy Termosolar base in the catchment, concentration and transformation of the solar radiation in heat to average-high temperature (from 400ºC and until 2.000ºC); his back transfer to a fluent thermal caloportador; the production of steam of water after a thermal exchange; his expansion in turbines connected to alternators and finally, the consequent generation of electricity for inyección to the network of distribution. As the reader will be able to appreciate, this apasionante technology integrates infinity of subtecnologías distinct, with the cual a command of this form of aprovechamiento energetic precise fundamentos suitable of lines of knowledge such and Optical, Thermodynamic, Regulación Automatic, Mechanical of Fluent, Electrical Machines, High Tension... As suelen say the experts, spoke of "high engineering".
By all this and being conscious of the complexity that can involve the purchase separately knowledges of the antedichas technologies, in ACEDIS have realized an important effort of synthesis for confeccionar a course eminentemente descriptivo and accessible that englobe the fundamentos of the Thermoelectric Solar Energy. Of this way, us enorgullecemos to offer to our alumnado a practically pioneering work in Spain, with which pursued to facilitate to the maximum the understanding and difusión of this technology. Therefore, to way of summary, could affirm that with this course has not pretended develop a program of high theoretical level for people with deep previous studies, but more well impartir a course from the basic levels to go purchasing progressively solid knowledges of base that allow to the professional:
Know with rigour the physical principles of operation of each one of the technologies vinculadas to the Energy Termosolar.
Have of information of first hand on the available technologies in the actuality, as well as of the future lines of investigation and development in which is working .
Dominate the applicable legislation to this type of installations of big potencia.
Have constancia of the unambiguous economic advantages of this renewable source of energy.
Have of personal tools of research that allow to find employment in the companies more punteras of the sector, know resources and additional bibliographic sources to continue improving the training or expand knowledges, as well as know how be permanently informed of the technical novelties resorting to bibliographic sources of maximum credibility.
From the professional point of view, the future that him augura to the same is inmejorable: no in vain, they are already at all less than 15 the head offices of potencia of this índole that are projected and/or building in our country.
Incidentally, the advantages retributivas to the electricity generated by renewable energies, the favourable legislation so much Spanish like European to the development of the new sources of energy, the imperiosa need to reduce the economic dependency of producing countries of oil, as well as the terrible pollution generated by the use indiscriminado of fuels, do not do but confirm the tarpaulin that supposes to form in sources of respectful energy with the means ambiente.
Have some solid and específios knowledges on the Thermoelectric Solar Energy can be a key factor for a future labour incorporation to this new niche of employment.
Course directed to Technical and Upper Engineers; to titled of F.P. Of technical branches like Electricity, Electronic or Automation; intermediate controls and gerentes of companies vinculadas to the sector of the energy and of generic form, to all that that wish to enter professionally in the sector of the Thermoelectric Solar Energy
1. Introduction
Problematic environmental and paper of the renewable energies
Types of aprovechamiento of the solar energy
History and current situation of the solar energy in Spain
Energetic and solar geometry
direct Radiation and difusa: devices of measure
The solar belt
2. Systems termosolares of concentration
Fundamento thermodynamic of the thermoelectric solar energy
thermodynamic Cycles applied to thermoelectric solar energy
Technologies termosolares: low, average and high temperature
Factor of concentration of the solar radiation
Conical and cuádricas remarkable: geometrical properties
Concentrators cilindro-parabolic, linear lens of Fresnel, captadores of disk and of central tower
Chimeneas solar
3. Helióstatos: System of follow-up
Orientation and inclination of the captadores thermoelectric
Fundamentos of the solar follow-up
Follow-up in colectores cilindro-parabolic
Follow-up in parabolic disks and in head offices of tower
4. Fluent caloportador of work
thermal Characteristics of the fluent caloportador
Fluent used in the actuality
5. Almacenamiento And hybridization of potencia
Characteristic and advantages of the almacenamiento thermal
Typologies of almacenamiento thermal
Hybridization of installations termosolares with other technologies
6. Conversion of potencia electrical and auxiliary systems
Drivings, aislamientos and groups of impulsión
Compressors, soplantes and turbines
Valvulería industrial
Exchangers of heat
electrical Conversion: generator
Regulación, control and monitorización of systems termosolares
7. Economic appearances-financial of the solar thermoelectric
Distribution of current costs and perspectives of growth
Comparison of technologies
Positioning in the Spanish electrical market
8. Future lines of I+D solar thermoelectric
Optimización of technologies and minoración of costs
direct Generation of steam
Improvement of the algorithms of control: logical difusa
Analysis exergético
additional Applications: production of hydrogen
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- Cursos y Masters » Calidad/M Ambiente » Energías renovables
El curso Course of Thermoelectric Solar Energy está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.
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