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Leadership and Management of the Time

Precio 235 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 60 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Liderazgo y Gestión del Tiempo Liderado e Xestión do Tempo Lideratge i Gestió del Temps Liderança e Gestão do Tempo   Leadership and Management of the Time   Leadership et Gestion du Temps
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The literature on theories of the behaviour is abundant and explain of a lot of ways how direct teams and exert the leadership. The empirical studies on which sustenta are varied and rigorous. The problem consists in carrying to the practice these loaded theories of concepts and definitions. With this course of leadership and management of the time will learn to apply said tearías to facilitate the understanding and carry them to the practice of the day in day out.

Think that direct people is complex and at the same time simple, whenever we use the common sense. We have asked us some time why some collaborators do not assume his responsibilities, put reticencias to realise his tasks and avoid to follow the norms? A simple answer and surely correct will be to say that they are desmotivados. With the desmotivación explains everything. But, why not to pose us that it brings them more explains this behaviour that the one who we wished that they practise? Al that does not assume his responsibilities finishes him leaving separated without bothering him, to the that puts hit to do a task left to ask him that it do them and with which does not follow the norm finish throwing the towel giving him by stray.

Why, on the other hand, penalizamos many times to those that fulfil to perfection? We demanded them more than to the rest, explained always with them when there are difficulties and recognise them his good do thinking that this justifies the give them another turn of thread.

Common sense, observation, logical, simplicity. This is what offer you in this course. We expected that it cause in you a productive reflection and are of your like, pues the best form to assume and interirozar these concepts is by means of the analysis personalizado.

This is a course essentially practical and based to a large extent in the experience of the own student, along the course will pose him crowd of situations that will have lived or will live in his professional path so that by means of the analysis detailed of the same can arrive to the best conclusions and learn by means of the practical application.

The course is structured in units diácticas of easy reading with a test of autoevaluación by unit and a practical case end that engloba all the learnt in the course.

The student once finalizado the course of Leadership and Management of the Time will learn:

  • The different styles of leadership.

  • The management of teams of work and leader of the same.

  • And gestionar properly the communication with the group and the takes of decisions.

  • Gestionar Properly the time of work.
Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not specific requirements for this course.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

1.1. The leader centred in his team
1.1.1. Management of the visions
1.1.2. Sincere interest
1.2. Evolution of the leader
1.2.1. Leader aprendiz
1.2.2. Handmade leader
1.2.3. Leader artist
1.3. The evolution of the team during the development of a project
1.3.1. Evolution of the team
1.3.2. Reaction of the team in front of the changes
1.4. How help to the team to develop
1.5. Transmission of instructions
1.6. Evaluation of the exert
1.7. Leadership and motivation

2.1. Effective communication
2.2. Barriers of the communication
2.3. It listens active: levels of listens
2.4. Use of questions
2.5. Management of conflicts
2.5.1. Origin of the conflict
2.5.2. Order of the message
2.5.3. Tone of the message
2.5.4. Asertividad

3.1. Analysis of the problem
3.2. Determine the causes
3.3. Propose possible solutions
3.4. It takes of decisions
3.5. Plan of action

4.1. Time to improve our management of the time
4.2. Description of the tasks
4.2.1. Importance and urgency
4.2.2. Frequency and length
4.2.3. Active and reactivate
4.3. Planning of the diary
4.3.1. Leaf of register
4.3.2. Analysis of the load of work
4.3.3. Use of the diary: basic appearances

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Leadership and Management of the Time está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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