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Management of Mountains and Conservation of the Nature

Precio 235 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 57 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Gestión de Montes y Conservación de la Naturaleza Xestión de Montes e Conservación da Natureza Gestió de Montes i Conservació de la Naturalesa Gestão de Montes e Conservação da Natureza   Management of Mountains and Conservation of the Nature   Gestion de Montes et Conservation de la Nature
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The study in depth of appearances like the resources forestales and faunísticos, or the management of the mountains and natural spaces, are of vital importance for the optimización of the natural resources from an environmental point of view and of rentabilidad economic.

The fundamental aim of this course is the one to complement the training of the professionals of the management of spaces where have incidence relevante the space in if same, the masses forestales and the reservations faunísticas.

It will treat of dotar to the student of a knowledge and deep understanding of the different biological systems involved and prepare them for the participation in all the labores of management that this type of ecosystems need.

They will touch in depth along the program the different legal norms existent regarding the natural means as well as the different approaches of management and conservation of the nature, doing special emphasis in the legal obligations, plans of performance, systems of conservation and the different incentives and sanctions that compete to the area.

To the finalizar the course the student will be prepared stop:

Face the elaboración of plans of management

Design and apply plans of conservation and protection

Focus plans of ordenación of the natural territory

Apply all these plans or processes to the business management of the industries that use the natural means like resource

Will know the incentives and sanctions in this subject.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not requirements of access
The course is directed fundamentally to Environmental Half Technicians, Biologists, Graduates in Right and Engineers of branches agroforestales that have contact with projects that affect or involve to the conservation of the natural means

Temario cubierto por el curso:

UD 1.1 - Introduction
UD 1.2 -general Questions
UD 1.3 - Classification of the mountains
UD 1.4 - Management forestal sustainable
UD 1.5 - Conservation and protection of the mountains
UD 1.6 - Incentives and competent organs

UD 2.1 - Introduction
UD 2.2 - general Questions
UD 2.3 - The plans of ordenación of the natural resources
UD 2.4 - Protection of spaces
UD 2.5 - Conservation of the biodiversidad
UD 2.6 - Infracciones and sanctions
UD 2.7 - competent Organs and autonomic rules

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Management of Mountains and Conservation of the Nature está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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