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Banking negotiation for the PYME

Precio 180 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 44 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Negociación Bancaria para la PYME Negociación Bancaria para a PYME Negociació Bancària per a la PIME Negociação Bancária para a PYME   Banking negotiation for the PYME   Négociation Bancaire pour la PME
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

In the context actualde crisis give two circustancia basic by which does indispensable improve the banking management of our company, on the one hand the sales have reduced enormously by what have to limit the financial expenses, reduce the banking commissions and tighten to fund us to the lower possible cost; another circumstance that aggravates the situation is the fact that in this crisis the financial factor has been determinante and the entities of credit and box of saving as soon as have of liquidity, by what limit a lot the credit that give, in the last year 9 of each 10 PYMES that have requested a loan have not achieved it and is thus that the best form to achieve it is to know well all the prioductos financial that have to our disposal, the strength that can have like clients of an entity, like this com the suitable way to present our numbers in front of the bank and the tools of negotiation of which have to achieve the loan that do viable our business.

The course will serve of help to the financial manager in the daily management of the relations with the banking entities. With a simple language, and the contribution of multiple practical examples, expose the different stages of the process that relates to company and bank, his specific conditionings, as well as the recipes that can carry to improve this type of connection and contribute to the attainment of the business aims.

Include a complete review of all the entities of credit that operate in our country, and of other institutions connected to the banking world.

Are in front of a course of interest so much for the financial professional and for the university students, and of schools of businesses, that think to orient his steps to the business financial area.

Al finalizar this course of banking negotiation, the student will have learnt to:

  • Understand the reality of the process of banking negotiation

  • Know which are our possibilities of negotiation and which are the real interests of the bank in his commercial relation with the company

  • Learn the necessary technician on the main financial products that offer the banking entities

  • Know which source of funding is the most appropriate for the needs of the company in each situation

  • Identify the activities of our company that are or can be gestionadas by the bank like part of the services that offers
Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not specific requirements for this course

Temario cubierto por el curso:


1.1 - Introduction
1.2 - The banking activity


2.1 - The financial intermediary.
2.2 - The financial system.
2.3 - The entities of credit like financial institutions.
2.4 - Classification of the entities of credit


3.1 - The banking business.
3.2 - Pillars of the banking business.
3.3 - banking Operations.


4.1 - Introduction.
4.2 - The balance bank company
4.3 - The account of resulted bank company.
4.4 - The banking business and the financial manager of the company


5.1 - The funding of the business activity.
5.2 - The investment and his planning and evaluation
5.3 - The TAE.
5.4 - Products of active
5.5 - financial Services in the banking system
5.6 - Products of passive
5.7 - Services related with the funding
5.8 - The insurances
5.9 - correct banking Practices and wrong.


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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Banking negotiation for the PYME está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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