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Implantation and Audit in OHSAS 18001:2007

Precio 325 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 78 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Implantación y Auditoría Sistemas de Gestión OHSAS 18001:2007 Implantación e Auditoría en OHSAS 18001:2007 Implantació i Auditoria en OHSAS 18001:2007 Implantação e Auditoría em OHSAS 18001:2007   Implantation and Audit in OHSAS 18001:2007   Implantation et Audit en OHSAS 18001:2007
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The specification OHSAS 18001 is a voluntary standard that was published initially in the year 1.999 by the British Standards Institute. In the year 2.007 has published a new version of the norm, for incrementar his compatibility with the Norms ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and facilitate his integration with the same. His finalidad is to provide to the organizations a model of system for the management of the security and health in the place of work, that serve them so much to identify and evaluate the labour risks, the legal requirements and other requirements of application; as to define the politics, objective, organizational structure, the responsibilities, the functions, the planning of the activities, the processes, procedures, resources, registers, etc., necessary to develop, put in practice, review and maintain a system of management of the Security and Labour Health. By his part, OHSAS 18.002 is a guide for the application of the norm OHSAS 18.001 that follows valid in spite of the modification of the second.

The type of structure that defines the norm OHSAS 18001 base in the cycle of continuous improvement PDCA, like tool to optimize the behaviour of the organization in subject of security and health.

Besides, the system of security and health in the work that establishes is compatible with the created by the Norm ISO 9.001 and the Norm ISO 14.001 for the management of the quality and of the means ambiente, what allows the integration of the three systems.

Besides, other competitive advantages that involves the good management of the security and health that facilitates OHSAS 18001 are:
1. Posibilita The integration of the security and health in all the levels jerárquicos and organizational.
2. Potencia The motivation of the workers, through the creation of a place and an ambiente of work more ordered, favourable and sure, and of his implication and participation in the subjects related with the prevention, by means of the fomento of the preventive culture.
3. It facilitates tools to diminish the labour incidents
4. It allows to fulfil and show that you fulfil with the lawfulness
5. It does that the image of the company potencie of face to the clients, to the society and to the administration, arriving even to mark in a lot of contrataciones public.


The course capacita to the student stop:
1. Know the requirements, elements and extent of the norm OHSAS 18001.
2. Design and implant the exigible procedures by the Norm OHSAS 18001:2007 for the obtención of the corresponding certification in any company.
3. Define the correspondence with the Norms JOINS-IN ISO 14.001:2004 and UNEEN ISO 9001:2000 allowing the complete integration inside the management of the company integrating like this the different systems of Management of the company (Prevention, Quality and Half Ambiente).
4. Realize Internal Audits regarding the cumplimiento of the Norm OHSAS.

The certification in OHSAS is in the actuality one of which main success are having in the actuality, arriving in some zones to achieve main number that the famous ISO, with the relevancia that in the actuality has purchased the Security and Health of the workers in to the company, being indispensable requirement for the contratación with big company and in a lot of cases even marking of remarkable way in the contests of the Public Administrations, what has caused a remarkable increase of the number of companies with this certification. Those companies that have opted by a model of prevention based in proper resources will have to be audited as the specifications that the proper law and his rule of development contain. It is, therefore, necessary form to Upper Technicians in Prevention of Labour Risks, so much for the realization of these auditorias external, as for the knowledges of the obligations and requirements that of them derive for the organizations, with the finalidad to develop also auditorias internal.

It is important to highlight that the Upper Technicians in Prevention of Labour Risks can broaden his training and with this increase his possibilities of employment and his knowledge of the subject with this course independently of the Titulación University that possess.
The students that finalicen the Course and surpass the final proofs will obtain a certificate that will accredit his training like Consultor in Implantation and Audit of Systems of Management of the Prevention of Labour Risks as OHSAS 18.001.


The Temario is structured in Modules and these to his time in Didactic Unities and the student dispondrá of him in all moment in two formats.
1.- In a CD-ROM edited by ACEDIS Training with all the content of study of the course that includes the didactic and different unities files of video and audible that reinforce the learning
2.- Will facilitate some keys of access for each student to our Virtual Classroom, where will have available to any hour all the didactic material, like this like channels of query to the professors and of relation with his mates
3.- Incidentally if the student wishes it has option to the sending of the material of study in version impresa in 1 folder edited by ACEDIS Training (This format has a cost of 20 €)

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

If well this course does not have requirements, is convenient to be Technical of Prevention or Consultor of Systems of Management of Quality or Means Ambiente.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

MODULATE UNICO - Implantation and Audit in OHSAS 18.001:2.007

Didactic Unity 1.
Introduction to the Systems of Management of the Prevention of Labour Risks

Didactic Unity 2.
Applicable legislation
(15 Hours)

Didactic Unity 3.
Rule OHSAS 18.001:2007
(40 Hours)

Didactic Unity 4.
Implantation of a System of Management of the Prevention of Labour Risks
(35 Hours)

Didactic Unity 5.
The Audit of the System of Management of the Prevention of Labour Risks
(30 Hours)

Didactic Unity 6.
Correspondence between the Rule OHSAS 18.001:2007 and other Systems of Management
(15 Hours)

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El curso Implantation and Audit in OHSAS 18001:2007 está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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